Club Overview

If you want to find out more about the Ken-Bu-Kan School and training with us you may find the following questions and answers useful. Of course, you can always Contact Us for further information.

What are KBK's aims?

- Teach the fundamentals of Karate.

- Promote Martial Arts.

- Encourage children to take part in physical activities, outside of school hours.

- Encourage adults to take part in a sport that offers stress relief through exercise.

- Teach self defence, awareness, dedication and respect.

- Promote social activities for all members.

Who can train at KBK?

- Membership is open to all regardless of ethnic origin, gender or physical ability.

- Students can be of any age above five years old.

What benefits do the students get from learning Wado Ryu Karate?

- Initially during training, each student gets a lot of one to one teaching.

- The students will be taught DOJO Etiquette and self-discipline.

- It will increase self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-control.

- The students feel that they will be able to defend themselves against physical attack after a short period of time.

- Training will improve an individual's speed, timing, awareness, mobility, and striking ability.

- Some students will be trained to enter competitions.

- As in most martial arts, training will improve strength, stamina and suppleness.

- Training develops a positive mental approach.

- Other benefits include sociability, integrity and concentration.

What are the main differences between the Ken-Bu-Kan school and other schools of Wado Ryu and karate?

- Students will be taught by fully qualified instructors.

- Children can train in a safe and friendly environment.

- Students will have registered licenses and covered by insurance.

- Students gradings will be examined by authorised examiners.

- Black belts are officially registered in Japan.

- Opportunity to train with the leading Wado Ryu instructors.

- Students are trained to reach their maximum potential.

- Opportunity to take part in many competitions, in the UK and internationally.